Following your bliss is not self-indulgent, but vital; your whole physical system knows that this is the way to be alive in this world and the way to give to the world the very best that you have to offer. There IS a track just waiting for each of us and once on it, doors will open that were not open before and would not open for anyone else. - Joseph Campell

Saturday, December 22, 2012

12,600 pins

I just saw that I pinned my 12,600th picture this morning.  Oy!!

You know, the other day I actually started going through and editing my boards, 12,000 is entirely too many pins.  Yet, somehow I continue to pin away.  Its an addiction, I tell you.  For me it is all about collecting.  I like to collect things, and I've created boards that really serve that.  I am continually on the hunt for pictures to add to my boards.

This morning Maria (cause apparently we're on a first name basis ~ Popova ~ sheesh) tweeted an excerpt  from one of George Eliot's letters.  In it Ms. Eliot described her day in Granada, Spain.  It sounded so warm and welcoming, especially on this cold December day.  I had to see the place for myself.  Whilst clicking around, I found this amazing shot of the ceiling of the The Hall of the Two Sisters in Alhambra.  Just stunning. It looks more like a kaleidoscope than a ceiling.  It totally messes with your eyes.  Definitely something I'd love to see in person one day.

See . . .

George Eliot's quote from Maria's article. . .

We have had perfect weather ever since the 27th of January — magnificent skies and a summer sun. At Alicante, walking among the palm-trees, with the bare brown rocks and brown houses in the background, we fancied ourselves in the Tropics; and a gentleman who traveled with us, assured us that the aspect of the country closely resembled Aden on the Red Sea. Here, at Granada, of course it is much colder; but the sun shines uninterruptedly; and in the middle of the day, to stand in the sunshine against a wall, reminds me of my sensations at Florence in the beginning of June. The aspect of Granada as we first approached it was a slight disappointment to me, but the beauty of its position can hardly be surpassed. To stand on one of the towers of the Alhambra and see the sun set behind the dark mountains of Loja, and send its after-glow on the white summits of the Sierra Nevada, while the lovely Vega [fertile plain] spreads below, ready to yield all things pleasant to the eye and good for food, is worth a very long, long journey. We shall start tomorrow evening for Cordova — then we shall go to Seville, back to Cordova, and on to Madrid.

Here's the shot I tweeted.

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