Following your bliss is not self-indulgent, but vital; your whole physical system knows that this is the way to be alive in this world and the way to give to the world the very best that you have to offer. There IS a track just waiting for each of us and once on it, doors will open that were not open before and would not open for anyone else. - Joseph Campell

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I started this blog over a year ago, when I was working ridiculous hours for a highly demanding job. I have since moved out from underneath that job, and for most of this year have been recovering from it.  I am finally ready to start working hard again, but this time around it will all be for me.  It will be my blood for me, my sweat for me and my tears for me.   Hopefully there will be no need for the latter.  Lord knows, I've had enough of that for a while. 

In the beginning I created this blog as a way to capture, acknowledge really, the beautiful things that touched my life.  Time moves too damn fast.  Days bleed into weeks, and weeks bleed into months.  I can’t remember one from the next.  I felt I needed to grab what good things I could see whizzing by me, and mark them somehow to make them more permanent.  A nice idea, but one I wasn't actually able to do in the thick of things.  Once I regained my freedom, finding and cataloging pretty pictures became a salve for my sorely depleted soul, something I could do that required little energy or thought.  Just what the doctor ordered. 

As the months wore on I was able to reconnect with my childhood passion of storytelling.  I realized that what I really want to do is write.  Don’t most people?  As a child I would create elaborate stories, and as I aged I continued to spin tales in my head.  I think that since I am a child of a television and movie world, I have trouble with externalizing my stories.  I was not a book reader.  Still not really, but I’m trying.  I think the idea of putting words on paper just wasn't my first instinct.  I am truly intimidated by the idea of writing a book, translating my stories, which really are just little movies in my head, into black words on a white page. 
Where does the blog come in?  Well, I have managed to write a few posts here, and my thinking is that I need to use this space as a place to practice my writing.  I am currently writing my first novel.  Scary!! I want to continue to document this most creative and truly frightening time in my life, to use this space as a place to write about the beautiful and artistic things that are touching my life instead of just putting up pretty pictures.  Pinterest is the place for pretty pictures.  More blogging, less pinning!!

Starting this week I am going to be writing posts instead of posting pictures.  It will be more work and less play, which I need right now.  I need to find or recreate the energy I once had, and put it into what will enrich and feed my soul, not run me into an early grave. 

My hope is that this will find an audience, but the work is still the work.  I need to do it one way or another.  I've never solicited for responses, but I really do welcome them.  I’d love to hear other people’s opinion on the topics I post here, and welcome any suggestions for further artistic discovery.  At a time when the world is so dark and painful, I think we need to work even harder at creating, acknowledging and spreading the beauty that does touch our lives.

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